Просмотр полной версии : Captain Sim Support
- Вах!!!
- Рассекретили?
- О проекте
- О форуме
- Прожектор
- Flightsim.com о TLK-39C
- Проблемы с почтой
- CFS online о ТЛК-39
- TLK-39C users are welcome!
- SimHQ o бете ТЛК-39
- Help!!! i can't turn while taxiing!!!
- Installation error
- Keyboard short-cut commands
- Купил, скачал.. =)
- Почти офтопик
- US NAVY painting scheme
- Могу предложить посильную помощь(если требуется)
- Есть Мнение
- Конотоп для cfs2?!??
- Кому-нибудь нужно вот это?
- REGISTRAION for English users
- TLK39 & CFS2 =))
- privjyet forum
- dynamci scenery
- Konotop AFB dynamics scenery update
- NAVAIDS and radio
- Что дальше??
- TLK-39 network issues
- New Patch
- fs2002 patch
- Объясните тупому про ручки и триммеры...
- Запуск двигателя
- Win2K
- 2 рационализаторских предложения
- Как приобрести?
- Aerobatics in the TLK-39C
- IAS!
- TLK-39ZA
- TLK and WinXP
- Invisible Konotop
- Техника
- L-39ZA FS2002 released
- TL[K]-39
- brake problem solved
- Две новости
- Konotop AFB scenery FS2002
- ТЛК-39 МФС2002 Обзор.
- virtual L-39 squadron
- should make an english version of forum!!
- РЛЭ Л-39
- привет каждое-hi everybody
- Немного офтопа
- Season's Greetings
- WinXP + MSFS2002 + TLK-39C - до Нового Года будет?
- no turbine sound
- Sound in Tlk L-39
- Legendary MiG-21
- Hud
- L-39ZA patch 2 released
- А почему все хотят 23 Миг, а не Миг - 31
- Проблема с рулением...
- Paint
- FS2002 problems
- Поможите со скоростями!
- Совместные полеты в сети и т.п. (вопрос).
- My repaint
- MiG-21UM Alpha version released
- Updates to TLK39C
- can I drop external fuel tanks
- Off Topic: ShZ-78 Flying Helment Question
- L-39ZA patch 3 released
- Strange pulling to left
- Кто желает поработать?
- Новые цены для бывшего СССР
- Nomad
- How do you like this?
- А как насчет легендарных самолетов Великой Отечественной!
- How long left?
- MiG-21UM Beta version released.
- how many L-39's have you sold??
- New buy, couldnt find the Fed Ex!
- Virtual Cockpit?
- Tu 154 for FS2002
- Вопрос, возможно, устарел...
- не регится
- popcorn
- dam,dam,dam anyone help me out???
- So, what is the new release date?
- How long does it take...
- Thanks for a Job Well Done!
- Stupid Question...how to deploy the Drag Chute?
- WOW!! Outsanding.. But how in the heck do you?
- possible mig-21 paint schemes
- to the captian staff
- 2 minor issues with the manual
- FS2k2 shutdown problem
- Aircraft texture problem
- Autopilot problems
- Thread on Suggestions for Future Releases
- Two questions
- Is there any way to change HUD color?
- Is VOR Nav Possible?
- joerg.schindler@t-online.de
- Radio will not work for me after a cold start.
- To fast for FS2002?
- Missing Landing Lights in 3D Mode
- Smoke anyone?
- PayPal
- Repaint Policy
- Old video cards compatibility
- ATC callsign display
- Для СССР
- Do I need to register for the Flight Training Course?
- Braking Chute Key assignment
- Mouse-over labels?
- Short Afterburner on MIG21
- L-39 GFX problem
- Updated models test reports
- Engine smoke
- Konotop scenery in FS2002 ?
- printable cockpit reference?
- Some questions re MiG-21
- training program
- Autopilot for the MiG...
- On-line flying demo/airshow
- FS2K2 won't start with MiG loaded!
- MiG with FS Meteo
- Waiting for Paypal?
- Update
- What weapons are being planned for CFS 2?
- AlphaSim's MiG Questionable
- Virtual Squadron's
- climb rate!!!
- О, Господи! =)
- MIG 21 Sound improvements?
- Shift between NDB1 and NDB2?
- On Line tonight
- Mig 21 Sound within Cockpit to loud?
- IP address
- Background information?
- Flight dynamics
- Re-install question
- printable cockpit reference
- Mig Flight Model Anomoly
- Review of MiG21 on Flightsim.com
- Вопросы, Вопросы...
- L-39 cockpit + MiG HUD question
- Invalid recipients
- Mig 21 Aero Team
- screenshots
- Printable cockpit reference is online
- Microsoft's News on CFS3
- Help please
- Sat flight
- Flight Path Marker
- MP Flight Debrief Saturday 02.03. (300Kbyte Pics inside)
- Missing Force Feedback in the Mig-21?
- online at the moment!
- MiG 21 Aero Team/ Combat Squadron Name?
- Wishlist For MIG-21
- MSN Community for "Silver Balaylaikas" Aero Team
- Триммирование Л-39
- Unable to pay with PayPal
- For Support...regarding your webspace offer.
- Changed MSN Community - Wrong Name
- Final scheme for Aero team
- Webspace works...thanxs!
- Patch for autopilot
- what the.....?
- Badge
- landing
- Ну когда же когда будет продажа МИГ-21 для России
- A serious complaint
- IP games
- Aero team pics
- When might we see this fabulous 21 in CFS2?
- New Paintsheme pics...
- how do i use the brake chute?
- For Support: FS2002 SDK is Released
- Konotop Base
- Interactive Flight Training Course
- On line
- L-39 Patch 4 released
- L-39
- L-39 Albatros
- Problem with Captain Sim Webspace
- Striiike! Our new message boards are up and running.
- Flight Training Course is available
- CFS2 MiG 21
- Mig-21 Questions
- F-104 and Drooling
- Mig-21 and FL36
- its the Kulp bs ia-68
- training course
- mig-21
- КУЛП68
- Explanation of terms
- FS2002 locks up with the MIG 21
- Thank you!
- CFS2 or FS2K2
- Ken
- Next Aircraft
- new paint
- MIG sinks into runway
- mig 21 dragchute
- Autopilot Problems
- Rudder trim problems
- Simulation package
- Printable cockpit for L-39?
- E-mail
- Специальное предложение для СНГ
- patch
- A Place for Pilots
- Ready for take off?
- Konotop for FS2000
- Test patch is available
- Hellllllppppp!!!
- Боинг - 727
- Есть ли желающие полетать по сетке?
- Preview
- Диспетчерская служба в Конотопе
- ILS frecuency in Konotop AFB
- Mari & CFS2 or CFS3 Follow up
- RAAF and f-104
- L-39 Questions
- L39 Download
- F-104
- Mig-21 question
- stupid :p
- support
- Please when will i get to fly the mig in CFS2?
- Is the F-104 gonna have the wing tip tanks???
- 1 Класс
- Any Repaints ?
- L39 or Mig as default flight
- F-104........
- TLK39 for flight simulator 2002
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