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16.02.2005, 19:17
Test Center
Version 0.113065

Galactic Civil War (GCW) and Temporary Enemy Flags (TEF)
The Galactic Civil War (GCW) will be heating up as players fight for control of the planets. The system is broken into two major components. The introduction of an improved flagging system for factionally aligned players (removal of "Temporary Enemy Flags" - TEFs) and the introduction of a GCW tracking system that allows players to battle over planets and win control of cities for their faction. Click here to read the document on these changes and don’t forget to check out the FAQ! If you have any further questions when you are done, check out the forums where a discussion is taking place on these changes.

The new pvp factional bases are now purchasable from faction recruiters, and the PVE bases have had their prices reduced by half.
For now, when you buy a factional base (of any type), you'll get two more base deeds of PvE type for free of one level lower, each. (Buy a PvP or PvE HQ, and get a PvE field hospital and a PvE forward base, or something similar)
Players are now capped at three factional bases of any type
Removed covert detectors
Enemy characters are now allowed to perform secure trades.
Some very important persons with a vested interest in the Galactic Civil War are rumored to be making appearances at their stronghold cities.
Player Event Perks

Every week there are a many player-run events held across the galaxy. These events can be anything from PvP tourneys and role-playing events to murder mysteries or dance parties. To help players more easily run these events, the Event Team has been working on some special tools and perks that will soon appear on Test Center. Be aware that some options and perks may change between Test Center and live. Click here to read more about the Player Event Perks and click here to join in on the discussion.

Force Sensitive

The Phase 4 version of Captain Sarguillo in the Village of Aurilia will now grant his second quest to players who had already worked for him in a previous instance of Phase 4 (это вроде уже вчера закинули на остальные сервера)

Server Fixes
Improved Server Stability
Fixes for crashing to desktop

Fixed an issue where if you drop a bag in a house, leave the house, and come back later, and open the bag, you don't see the contents of the bag until you pick it up.

Veteran Rewards
If you have triggered more than one veteran reward at the same time, the announcement will remind you that you need to claim the first reward before the second will be offered.
The command /claimVeteranReward will now bring up the choices for the new veteran rewards, in addition to the Sorosuub. This will also fix an issue where players choose the option to be reminded in a week for rewards and they change their mind but have to wait out the week, now players can type /claimVeteranReward to reinitiate the process.

Fixed a bug where a dead or incapacitated person could shutdown a factional base before it blew up.
Removed instadeathblows

Made pets not attack neutral AI (ATST's vs. krayts) (Гы-гы)

Changed escort ship on Rori rebel story mission so that it highlights as an ally
Fixed plasma conduit repair bug

Using commands targeted by name now works for targets on vehicles and mounts.
The UI hud effectors will no longer override opacity. UI elements will appear at 100% opacity instead of 80%.
Fixed a issue players were experiencing when they didn't have a target and typed an action
Ground radar optimizations/fixes

Muscian / Entertainer / Dancer
Fixed /stopwatch/stoplisten canceling buffs out

Harvesting / Resources
The penalty for harvesting while in a group has been removed and replaced with a 20% harvesting bonus when harvesting while in a group.
Creatures will now yield more milk after being successfully milked.
Its been a bountiful season. The success chances of getting mollusks and crustaceans while shellfish harvesting has been increased. Expect to see higher yields from your shellfish harvesting!
Searching a creature lair will have a higher chance of finding eggs as well as a lower chance of finding nothing or finding a jar of bugs. You might also want to try searching the lair again; there might be a chance you missed something!
Increased the amount of resources spawned, so that rare resources will be slightly more common.

Fixed the lack of an “hour” suffix in the residency renewal statement

New Players
A single-waypoint mode is active for new players. This mode is selectable via the waypoint tab in the datapad.
Single waypoint mode keeps only one player waypoint active.

17.02.2005, 19:24
А давайте сделаем Made players not attack neutral AI. Будет ещё круче. Ну что им так мешают AT-ST? Три враз отменили, прямую атаку нейтральных отменили... И так дохнут с двух-трех кратов, так теперь и заюзать никак нельзя.

17.02.2005, 22:51
О чем речь? По подробнее плиз :)

18.02.2005, 07:17
AT-ST больше не атакуют нейтральных врагов (типа крайтов). Прямая атака отменена давным-давно, теперь, видимо, даже в ответ на крайтовскую атаку AT-ST будет стоять, как вопанная и не атаковать в ответ.

18.02.2005, 09:30
бред, меня бъют я стою... может АТСТ ломаться не будет от крайтовых атак?