Просмотр полной версии : Нехорошо подкидывать дровишки ... 2

24.05.2002, 02:35
в продолжение

Adi похоже вывел из себя всех кого можно.


originally posted by Stormin:

I spoke with Oleg about the Adi beta situation. Oleg and Adi have an agreement and are working on some issues regarding mulitplayer and the online war.

This is between Oleg and Adi, and Oleg was surprised that Adi was posting information in public. I asked Oleg to have Adi stop this process immediately.

I respect Oleg's judgement and feel that if he wants to work with this guy, that is his affair, but I have expressed my concerns regarding the release of Beta information.

Adi has crossed the line with me and my colleagues and he is persona non gratis with us. Oleg is free to do what he wishes, but Adi will get no support from Ubi Soft until he addresses the concerns and takes the action I demanded in a private e-mail to him last week. An e-mail for which he has never responded.



Carl C. Norman
Executive Producer
Ubi Soft Entertainment

оригинал здесь:


[ 24-05-2002, 02:38: Сообщение отредактировано: Lt.AK ]

24.05.2002, 02:51
Гы. Точно. :) Если так же все поступят, он вполне сможет попросту снести АутлукЭкспресс.
А вобщем-то, поделом, что тут скажешь...

24.05.2002, 09:03
Да ладно, че вы. Ади просто нечаянно уже предположил себя не только вармастером, но и ближайшим другом Карла Нормана, Олега Медокса и Ко.
А раз так, то об этом должны знать все! :)