Просмотр полной версии : Когда выйдет CFS3?

06.09.2002, 10:57
Собственно есть ли какая то официальная дата ?

07.09.2002, 02:15
Q:  When can I buy Combat Flight Simulator 3?
A: Combat Flight Simulator 3 is on schedule for a fall, 2002 release! You can expect to see it available by the same retailers you purchase other Microsoft games and products from. Keep checking CFS Insider for announcements on the exact date the game will be available in stores.

Причём вот с такой вот вкусностью:
To better support our add-on aircraft developers, Combat Flight Simulator 3 will ship with a version of the discreet® gmax 3-D modeling tool.  CFS3 will provide the highest quality industry standard environment for add-on aircraft development—the same environment Microsoft used to create the planes shipped with the product.