Просмотр полной версии : ВВС Чили

20.04.2001, 09:25
Люди, срочно нужна помощь!
Каков состав ВВС Чили?
Какие опознавательные знаки, камуфляж применяется на самолетах этой страны?

20.04.2001, 14:27

Forca Aerea Brasileira
22.04.2001, 01:36
Chile Air Force
Fuerza Aerea de Chile (Chilean Air Force) ммммм, сказка! :)
Brief History:
Formed February 1913 at El Bosque. 1921 the Chilean government used a British military and naval air mission to establish a Central Workshop and Depot. 1924 a German air mission got the responsibility to develop Chilean civil aviation. 1930 the Naval Aviation Service merged with the Air Force to form the National Air Force. During the Second World War the USA established an air mission and the Chilean Air Force received modern equipment under the Lend-Lease agreement. 1954 Chile reorganised its Air Force into five Brigada Aeras with one Ala each.
Ну и так далее на http://www.aeroflight.co.uk/waf/americas/chile/chile-airforce.htm.
Удачного изучения и ...Buena suerte, hermano piloto! :) :)