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Тип: Сообщения; Пользователь: adonys

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  1. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя Королевских ВВС - "Битва за Францию".

    Changing the name of the exe file from cyrillic alphabet to latin one did the trick (there was nothing wrong with the archives anyway).

    Thank you for help guys. And thank you for campaign...
  2. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя Королевских ВВС - "Битва за Францию".

    I've tried to install this campaign, but no matter which exe I am trying to launch, I'm getting the "The setup files are corrupted, Please obtain a new copy of the program." message. Maybe the...
  3. Тема: Вопросы.

    от adonys

    Re: Вопросы.

    is there any way to reference the AiActor when having the AiAircraft (you can do it the other way around using (AiAircraft)AiActor or AiActor as AiAircraft), please?
  4. Тема: Вопросы.

    от adonys

    Re: Вопросы.

    is there any way to load a .cs C sharp script file in a mission already running?

    for example, if loading another mission, which has its own script, will this new script be loaded, or not?
  5. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-пикирующего бомбардировщика II/StG 1

    Mate, the campaign has problems with the x64 installer (at least, haven't checked the x32 one) - it messes up the name in campaigns.ini using Erpr.Gr.210 campaign's entry (probably you've used the...
  6. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-пикирующего бомбардировщика II/StG 1

    thank you!
  7. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя I/JG 51 - "День Орла"

    I've thought that the g0_something group names were checked and working in the new update, as it was a problem before, and was fixed at some point. Anyway, not only the DE_04.mis file needs that...
  8. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя I/JG 51 - "День Орла"

    I was suggesting to move the entire update post into the first one, not just saying the update is at thread's post 57 :) also, please feel free to get anything from what I've done (code, etc) and add...
  9. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя I/JG 51 - "День Орла"

    I've updated the scripts for mission 1,3,15 and 20 (the ones with protecting your section leader as your main objective), fixing the two bugs (failure message appearing for each friendly airplane...
  10. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя I/JG 51 - "День Орла"

    While trying to add the code to verify id the player's section was shot down by an enemy aicraft, or AA, I've found another bug: after the section leader is shot down, each time a friendly aircraft...
  11. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя I/JG 51 - "День Орла"

    there are some problems though, now that you've updated the missions..

    I was playing the mission one, and my damn Rottenfuhrer keeps getting shot by AA, there fore making the mission a failure....
  12. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя I/JG 51 - "День Орла"

    The campaign was too enjoyable to let it be spoiled by a google translation, so I couldn't leave it like that. I've even used original english translated text for Hitler's directives (not...
  13. Re: Статическая кампания лётчика-истребителя I/JG 51 - "День Орла"

    The first version I've put up, namely the v0.2 had a Google translation of the briefings, as I didn't had enough time to do it in the proper way.

    The new v1.1 release has a proper translation, not...
  14. Re: Анонс новой кампании! - "II/StG 1"

    Piper-Kiev, I've posted on the 1C forum a thread with the updated english translation of your Eagle Day campaign. HERE.

    Please feel free to use the files for any future updates of it (as in, make...
  15. Тема: Вопросы.

    от adonys

    Re: Вопросы.

    Yes, we discuss it same way.[/QUOTE]

    As we'll still here, it would be very useful to can also optionally assign an audio file (in whatever IL2 CoD format needs) to this "CustomSayToAirgroup"...
  16. Тема: Вопросы.

    от adonys

    Re: Вопросы.

    i'll try answer tomorrow.
    No, there is no such fuction:) . We planed to brake plane parts not randomly, but according to situation :) [/QUOTE]

    I'm still waiting for that code (only if you had...
  17. Ответов

    Re: "Радар" своими руками :)

    I've improved the code a little bit, to just signal (enemy) aicraft groups and the dots (airplanes) number in each group.

    private void lockTargets()
    // TO DO:...
  18. Тема: Вопросы.

    от adonys

    Re: Вопросы.

    i'll try answer tomorrow[/QUOTE]

    I've made something like this:

    // Script that triggered an accidental damage to the player plane
    // Autor: adonys
    // version: 1.1
  19. Тема: Вопросы.

    от adonys

    Re: Вопросы.

    I've suspected SayToGroup can't be used with custom messages, but, is there any way I can put (even only text messages), on the screen and appear as being said by actors (I know about the...
  20. Тема: Вопросы.

    от adonys

    Re: Вопросы.

    How can one make an Ai aircraft say something to the group, like in using a SayToGroup with custom messages (others than the ones from IL2 CoD) like function, please?

    Refuel, repair, rearm (set...
  21. Тема: [Мод] Звук

    от adonys

    Re: [Мод] Звук

    Spasibo :)
  22. Тема: [Мод] Звук

    от adonys

    Re: [Мод] Звук

    Hi there RBFlight. Can you tell me, from where is the music from the background_de.wav file, please? It sounds familiar to me, but I can not grasp the source :(
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