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Тема: Structure of AviaForum

  1. #1
    Добрый хозяин Аватар для CoValent
    Москва, Россия

    Structure of AviaForum

    World of Real Avitaion:
    1. Current Aviation news and accidents.
    2. General questions of aviation.
    3. Aircraft performance and characteristics.
    4. Real Aviation questions: navigation, flying skill, aerobatics and etc.
    5. Sky Diving.
    6. Humor and funny stories.
    7. Scale Modeling: static & flyable airplane kits, 3D and etc.
    8. Aviation and Art.

    Flight Sims - Aircrafts:
    1. Su-27 Flanker / Lock On: Modern Air Combat.
    2. Falcon.
    3. SUper Maneuver.
    4. Il-2 Shturmovick / Forgotten Battles.
    5. WarBirds.
    6. Captain Sim Official Support.
    7. Microsoft Flight Simulator / Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator.
    8. Other Aircraft Sims.

    Flight Sims - Rotorcrafts/Helicopters:
    1. Apache Havoc / Comanche Hokum.
    2. Strike Force Official Support.
    3. Other Rotorcraft/Helicopter Sims.

    Other Simulators and Games:
    1. Space sims.
    2. Naval sims.
    3. Armor warfare sims.
    4. Tactical sims.
    5. Auto-, Moto-, Racing sims.
    6. Operation Flashpoint.
    7. World War II: Online.
    8. Other land/space/naval sims and Games.

    Technical room:
    1. Hardware and software issues.
    2. Joysticks and other Game controllers.
    3. Hardware design questions.

    General questions:
    1. Any topic.
    2. Birthdays and Holidays.
    3. Championships, clubs, meetings and etc.
    4. Pilot's shop.
    5. Rest room . (Danger: open flames!)

    1. Project MEMORY (chronicles of WWII aviation).

    Sim's Teams:
    1. Stalin's Falcons.
    2. Chelyabinsk Aviation Group.
    3. Virtual Pilots of Kiev.
    4. Perm Aviation Group.

    Foreign Office (English speaking community):
    1. English speaking community. (You are here - already.)

    Portal sukhoi.ru:
    1. Web Site suggestions.
    2. AviaForum questions.

    1. Personal inquiries.
    Крайний раз редактировалось CoValent; 23.01.2004 в 18:22.
    Валентин "CoValent" Логинов

    Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum (с) Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Правила тут, термины тут, модераторы тут.

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