
First of all, I would like to apologise for not typing in Russian. I can try, if you wish, but since I learnt it about ten years ago, I forgot many words, however I can still write, read and speak (but very basic). I am fully aware that the translator can create some mess with the translation, too.
Thanks to Tony, who gave the link to the discussion, I downloaded the documentation and tools and started to work on a small test 50km x 50 km map. I want to experiment with the photoscenery a little bit and I want to create a big city for RoF. As a citizen of Warsaw, Poland, I chose this city because there is a photoplan of it from the 1935 and it was very helpful for me.
At first, I created height map which I compiled and put into the Verdun map. Then, I created a masks and placed my custom forests (I use a high res. military map from the 1930). Once it was ready, I created my water map. This was very difficult, because I did not understand the documentation properly, but finally I managed to figure it out
Yestreday, I started to work with the custom tiles of the city. While typical RoF city has 6-20 tiles, Warsaw has 86 512x512 tiles and this is only the main city without the suburbs. I rescaled the photoplan and fit it into the game. Works like a charm and looks great, although I will be correcting it and still I need to blend it with the existing terrain tiles.
What I would like to do now are the rails and roads, but looks like we do not have the tools, or I just don't know how to do it. Is there any chance that you Guys could help with with that, please? Do I need to create a 10m/pix map with the vector drawn road paths (and separate for the railworks), just like I did with the water tiles ?
Another question. Can I post my work ? Is it allowed ? I just want to show you what I achieved so far.

Best regards,